
Pale Dragon, Issue 1, Page 01

Finally updated the Pale Dragon website to display pages from the book! I'm planning to release one page (or spread) a week for the next 24 weeks. I decided to invest in a pro version of simple viewer to take care of this, because it made more sense than having to code a new web page every single week. Anyone have a good idea of how to protect the art, rather than just letting full size images float around on the web, or should I just not worry about it? I'm pretty much operating on the belief that if people like this comic enough to steal it and reproduce (share) it with their friends, that's only helping me popularize my character, art and story line. Any thoughts?

Here's the first spread uploaded today. Click on it to check out the ever-evolving site.



  1. Hey, just checked out your comic and it looks really awesome just by the first spread! However, I found it a little hard to read on my screen. I'm using a laptop and when I view it full screen it's a bit tight. I wouldn't want people to miss any of the details or have trouble reading the text because it looks really cool.

    I don't really have too many suggestions on how to fix that, but I look forward to reading more.

  2. Hey CJ! Thanks a lot for your compliments. I'm looking forward to hearing some reactions when I post a new page this weekend. As for the screen size... My only recommendation is to hover the mouse over the upper right of the page and open up to full screen... If that doesn't help and I keep hearing about problems... Maybe I'll switch to another viewer!
